Tell us more about you… And why should I subscribe?

You might say, there are already a lot of political newsletters out there. What makes you different?

I’m doing this — in part — because I couldn’t find anyone speaking with kindness, calm, and love about politics; as well as hope and a small bit of faith, too.

In my opinion, there is too much anger in politics. And I will do my best to bring the spirit of Lincoln into each thought I share on here.

I will also have an optimistic and positive tone to every post. I’m actually optimistic about the future, but I’m not naive. Even if we take some punches or get knocked down in the days and weeks to come, the “better angels of our nature” must climb back to our feet and never surrender.

Okay, I hear you, I hear you. You want to know more about my political views, so to save you from spending hours digging through my past posts on social media, here’s a tad more.

At the most general sense, I’m a proud moderate. And I believe our government works best when there’s compromise and bipartisanship. So, I do my best not to be a flame thrower.

I also want to be clear that I’m not in the GOP and I’m not in the Democratic Party. (And I’m certainly anti-Trump, anti-MAGA, and anti-isolationism. I’m also anti- all the weird stuff the progressives throw out.)

So I live on a narrow sliver of ground. This narrow sliver of ground is made even more narrow by the fact that I’m an evangelical Christian (which I know is now a dirty word), but I’m not a Christian nationalist. I’ve tried to come up with a different term than evangelical Christian, since it’s been hijacked by a bunch of mean hypocrites, but I can’t seem to come up with a better word.

But I’m sorry. I do believe 100 percent in God, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit, and I do believe (and feel compelled) to try to save as many people as I can from a hell full of torment. That makes me an evangelical Christian, and just as I can’t do anything about the fact that most Marines are arrogant a-holes, I can’t do anything about the mean ole’ hypocrites in the church that judge people (and do more harm than good).

The reality remains: I’m a Marine. I’m a Christian. And I pray I’m different than most Marines and Christians.

Oh, I see another hand raised out there? “Stan, we know you’re no fan of President Trump. Why do you refer to him as Mr. Trump?” This is because I think it’s time to stop demonizing Mr. Trump. He has been called every name in the book and it hasn’t helped. He’s more popular now than ever. (This isn’t capitulation. Don’t read that wrong. It’s a political calculation. The Left (and moderate Republicans) have tried name-calling. It doesn’t work.)

Moving along, I’d love to have more time to write posts on here on a more frequent basis, along with more time to devote to my defense podcast, my faith podcast, the books I’m writing, etc, etc.

I’m a creator, I believe with a gift from God who feels called to try to speak to people, but I currently work a full-time job and try to squeeze time in to do creative things. In a perfect world, I’d be doing creative things all the time.

So if you feel compelled to put $5 toward the cause per month, that would help a ton. You can do that at the link/green button below.

You can also now sign up at Patreon:

Or send a tip through Venmo (@authorstanrmitchell):

And there’s even a PayPal link you can use:

Want to talk to me directly?

Email me at the following address: I love hearing feedback, compliments, and even constructive criticism. 👊💓🙏

May God bless you,

Stan R. Mitchell

P.S. If you enjoy this site and its subject matter, I’ll bet you’ll love the book below about President Obama.

Subscribe to Thoughts from a Southern Gentleman

Enjoy politics? I'm a moderate (ex- GOP), who believes in America, stays positive, and will lower your anxiety about where we are as a country. Yes, we're navigating turbulent waters, but we'll get through them together.


Politically homeless. Infantry Marine. Follower of Jesus. Author of Tom Clancy-like military & police fiction. Host of two podcasts, plus a politics newsletter called “Thoughts from a Southern Gentleman.”